Lots of casualties in the past few weeks...
First off I got 3rd at Fair hill... don't remember if I mentioned that. First expert race.
Second I snapped my new carbon seatpost at Greenbrier during the first 1/2 mile of the race of the Cat. 2 race. Yeah... upgraded to Cat. 1 and proceeded to get 7th in that race, with a seatpost borrowed from Randy. Woot... qualified for nationals.
Third was Granogue, and the subsequent escape from it. And it really needed escaping from. T'was raining. A lot. But at least compared to French creek three or so years ago it was quite a comfortable race. Of the four hours, I may have walked or ran for about 2.5 hrs.

After the first lap... trying to look pro
After the first lap on a clear course, the sports came through and all bets of riding fast were off. The pushing began and all bets were off. Soon wheels were caked with mud, sticking and sliding to mud-crusted seatstay braces and bottom bracket areas. Three laps of walking and slogging through ankle-deep mud later and I cruised the last rideable part of the singletrack onto the road. One quick downshift and my derailleur was wrapped around my cassette. The B-tension screw, or at least the little metal loop that it goes through, was wedged up against my derailleur hanger. Not moving. Walked up the Kopenburg the last time. Boo.

The final push
Derailleurs are not supposed to be here
So all in all, my days effort was good enough for third place. I'd say pretty good. Somewhere Ms. Geology has a pic of me on the podium with my cool plaque (Thanks
Marc!!!!). During the beginner awards Marc announced a pushup contest for two sets of Gore Ride-on cables. I entered and won a set, much to the dismay of my arms/upper body the next morning. The workout did remind me of my years in high school as a wrestler, so I zoned out and cranked them out until Marc said stop. My coach would be proud, and it made me realize how much I love pushups.
Throwback: Me winning the 2005 Delaware Independent School Conference title at 130 lbs, back when I had a upper body and leg hair...
I think the best part of my day was when Rob told me, standing under the reg tent in the rain after the race wrapped in a blanket, that he wanted me to win the MASS Endurance Series this year. That was good. Thanks Rob. I'll see it through.
Now my bike is sitting in pieces, and I have a new derailleur (body is bent) and brake pads on order, and am eagerly awaiting the chance to put my new Gore cables on, which happen to include extra long housing for the full lenght housing on my C-dale. Oh and I have 2/3 exams done. My life rocks.