Saturday, November 22, 2008

Some more racing things...

So here I sit in my hotel in Montauk, NY watching TV and relaxing after a very nice race today.  But I will tel you about that later.  First off, last week found me back in good old New Joisey for the Mercer Cup, the East Coast stop of the USGP.  It was muddy.  Very very muddy.  I raced the Cat 4 race, which was at 8:00 in the AM... which meant a really early start to the day.  Like up at around 4AM, leaving around 5AM.  Offered an interesting twist to the weekend.  But anyway.  Alyssa came out with Zach and I, so she got the full experience of an international field in the elite race.  I got a start about 60th on the grid and finished 18th on Saturday and 11th on Sunday.  I didn't get any pics because it was raining-ish for the morning.  There is a picture of me here though, from saturday.  Sunday was a little worse.   And by a little I mean a lot  The course becae less riding and more running as all the climbs because absolutely unridable.  Well, they were ridable, but would require lots and lots of effort that would complety make your legs explode mid-race.  Jeff killed it in the Cat 2/3 race, taking the win on Saturday and pulling out a solid second right under a Coloradan kid about his age.  Both days Zach and I help keep the pits tight with Yozell, FatMarc, Jan, and a few others for the Elite race.  There were 8 of us and we were pitting for 5 different people.  It was a good time of running back and forth through ankle deep mud to wash bikes either right in the lake, or at the bike wash station.  It was a lot of fun.

Jeff doing the thing he does so well

Zach fighting hard

  So after the week at school where I had a few long nights and a buttload of work, Zach and I headed out to have dinner at my Aunt's in Long Island on out way to Southampton, for the Whitmore's Super Cross, a MAC, NACT, and UCI wekend.  Raced this morning in the B's.  Z didn't have the best of days (mechanicals suck...), but I felt that I had one of my better days.  Sprinted with a UVM kid for some place in the field.  Don't know much else.  I'm going to nap now... Tomorrow's racing should be good.

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