Went out for the KCCX which, for the second year in the row, is the US National Cyclocross Championship. So yeah, it's important and it completly justifes driving half way across the country to race it. Oh, and by halfway across the country I mean Kansas City, Missouri. Went out to race the U23 race as well as the Divsion II Collegiate race.
My goal for the U23 race was to not get pulled since it was effectively a pro race. I got a third row call-up. The race started and I was shot so far out of the pack that it wasn't even funny. The start was so fast. I managed to pull back a bunch of places on the climb, but it wasn't enough. I was caught by the leaders at the barriers and pulled when I hit the road with one lap to go. Oh well.
The collegiate race went a little better. Got a second row callup with my homemade jersey. Had a really good start. I think I was 7th or 8th into the first turn. Ended up 19th. I think I had a pretty good race. The course was hard and had a lot of climbing, which is good for me.
Now my 2008 racing season is officially over. Officially. Over. Wow. It's been a long, awesome season. I will throw up a season recap thing later this week when I feel like getting it together. Now to a Christmas Party...
congrats on a great season.
it was fun getting to know you this year.
It was nice getting to know you guys too. I'll see you at MAC Prom!
Yo kid. I'm not sure it was justified, but it was one hell of a trip. I'll drive across the country with you on any whim....but we are flying to portland next year. Definitly, definitly flying. Definitly, Maybe. You raced your heart out, and I think you achieved your goals if I don't say so myself.
Congrats on a great season Jake...I'm sure your VERY glad it's over, thats one long year of racing...Hope you and your family had a great Christmas, tell your Mom and dad hi for us...and we'll be seeing you later in the spring.
Good Job
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