Saturday morn' I was up early to drive to Shamokin, PA for a geo field trip to the Bear Valley Strip Mine. Many of you have probably never heard of this place. It happens to be one of the most famous geologic sites in the United States. While we were there mapping, groups from four other schools passed through to visit. The mine was used in the 70s by Dick Nichelson to attempt to work out the kinematics behind the creation of the Appalachian Mountains. Pretty large scale important shit. Anyway, onto stuff the majority of the world cares about more, pretties:

Most of the mine. The center feature is an anticline (think upside down U) called the Whaleback. Between where I am standing, and the Whaleback, and the Whaleback and the far wall are synclines (right side up U's). There you are now learned...
This is a fossil of a tree. The card is 10 cm on the long side for scale.
This is a lake. It's pH is about 2. Skiny dipping anyone?
Pano of the Whaleback from the north side of the lake. North limb of north syncline.
Sunday I got up again to drive down to Fair Hill for some bike racing type action. It was my first expert race. And I will write more later. I have to go pick a room to live in next year.
Cool pics. I learned something new.
You had a great race on Sunday. Cannot wait to hear about it from your point of view.
I was there for a geosci field trip as well. Such a cool place. While we were at the bottom of the syncline on the far side there were people shooting from the top of the far wall down onto the whale's back, bullets hitting like 50 feet from where we were standing. Gotta love Shamokin.
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