Thursday, May 27, 2010

Danger! Adventure Ahead!

So I graduated college...



And now I get to have a life for a year or so, then probably go back to school for a masters in rocks.  It will be awesome.  Now I have to do that lovely thing called find a job.  Hopefully the lessons I learned in college can help me out.  Lessons like:

1) How to not set a building on fire with lava
2) Before orogeny, comes subduction
3) Stress does not equal strain
4) Don't drink anything that was made in a tub
5) Riding your bike in Michaux makes you a real man (or woman)

Point number 5 is critical.  The other points are important too, but in the next week, Michaux will prove its worth.  As a nice break between college and "real life," I'm participating in the Trans-Sylvania Epic.  Yup.  Leaving tomorrow.  Starting Sunday, and for 7 days after that, I will be racing my bike around Rothrock and Bald Eagle State Forests in Central PA.  It is going to be the best of fun.  I have some stiff competition (JB, Mark Weir, Vegan Rob, Mike Y, Brandon D, etc.) but I'm hoping to do as well as I can overall.  Since there will be interweb access at the TSE base camp, so I may be updating you mid-week if I don't feel very hurty.  And yes that is a word.

So that's the adventure.  First TSE, then life, because folks, no matter how much life sucks, we have a good thing going.  This shit is an adventure.


Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

congrats on graduating and good luck in the epic!

best to you


camps said...

Congrats Jake,
looks like all's going well in the Epic for you, as I'm sure it will in Life.