Thursday, August 21, 2008

Clone Wars made me cry inside

Just got back from seeing the new Star Wars flick, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and let me tell you, I am crying inside. All the acting and dialogue was very un-Star-Wars-y. All of it, from Asoka's cute little quips (my new word for the week apparently) to Yoda's normal Yoda-talk. It just wasn't right. The worst part, by far, was the animation. I will try to remain calm about this. I HAVE SEEN BETTER ANIMATION OUT OF FOUR YEAR OLD VIDEO GAMES!!! Obi-Wan's beard looked like it was made of lego blocks! Come on animators, you have to be able to do better than that! Ugh. This is far and away the worst Star Wars movie yet. Yes it was cute, yes it had funny moments, yes it mildly entertained me, but it was not what I was looking for in a Star Wars movie. I will even go as far as saying that it was worse then Episode I, which is pretty bad in and of itself. If you want to be mildly entertained and have $10 lying around that you're not really intent on using for anything important, then by all means go. If you want to watch a proper Star Wars film, pop in a DVD of Return of the Jedi and be happy. Or even Revenge of the Sith. Hell even Attack of the Clones would work! Ugh. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now... inside that is.

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