Thursday, August 12, 2010


So ever since the 101, I've been super tired all the time.  Today, I went in to the doctor, and she prescribed a large blood panel testing for the usual things that can make one tired: Mono, Lyme, Hemoglobin count, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-B12, etc.  That's about 7 different sized vials of blood that came out of my arm.  Yay.  As a consequence of this tiredness, I haven't really ridden this week, and while I was hoping to get in a ride this afternoon, I'm beat.  I probably should have a nap, but I have a job interview to prepare for.  That's right! Tomorrow, 3:00 PM.  Until then, I guess I'll just sit around and drink OJ to build up some blood.  Maybe I'll go eat some meat...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
